A Temple to Yitskar

"Within Evyl there are many paths - Within Yitskar the paths of Evyl lead to power" - Bard of Yitskar

History of the Serpent Warriors

Tales of the Serpent Warriors

Powers of the Serpent Warriors

Guild of the Serpent Warriors

       "Evyl fulfills the foolishness of law and corrupts the weaknesses of chaos" - Bard of Yitskar Within these hallowed halls lie knowledge and power beyond your darkest dreams.  Not content to lie idle Yitskar encourages her followers to strengthen themselves, and to deal honourably with all those who are our brethren in Yitskar.

Once again Yitskar in her infinite wisdom has changed the powers of the Serpent Warriors, to better reflect their true heritage as priests and warriors in the path of the Serpent.